
Random Thoughts From Our Random Minds

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Doebtown Out of Town - Day 2

By: Doebette
Hi Doebtown . . .

It was awesome to chat to you today and know you're doing well. Hopefully you're sleeping like a champ right now and getting regulated for a big week of meetings. Over here, there wasn't too much crazy to report.

For example - it started with Libby making a 'happy bowl'.

Then she became obsessed with helping me to put dishes in the dishwasher.

During the middle part of the day our darling younger child had a HUGE HUGE HUGE nap . . .and Weber had a bath (well, the kind experts down at Larry's took care of Webbie. He's happy to be all cleaned up!!)

I even ironed today!!! Perhaps I was possessed. That honestly would be the only explanation for this.

We played a LOT in the playroom this afternoon.

Heidi tried her first sampling of bananas tonight. She wasn't entirely sure how she felt about it as she kept getting the shivers and twisting around her face, but I do think she liked it. She ate about a half of a container!!! This may well be one of the best pics I've ever taken. Look at that kiddo!!

Kate A came over tonight for some girl/wine time. It was nice :) Apparently the weather won't be super nice tomorrow. I'm sure I'll have some pics coming on THAT.

Oh!! and I DID make the bed today!!!

Sleep well Doebtown.

Iron? What is that thing and what is it for?

Too bad Heidi will be so much older at Christmas... that "banana" photo would make a GREAT Xmas photo...

I liked the wine photo too.

P.S. Did NOT make my bed today.


Dear Doebette:

Thanks so much for all the pictures. It's so nice to see so many smiling faces from over here in dreary Stockholm.

And your iPhone photography seems to have improved greatly! They all look great.

Libby and Heidi seem to have grown up so much in 36 hours.

Things are going great over here. After a 7 hour layover in Newark, the City of Yuck kicked me in the seat again by holding us on the runway for 2 hours before we took off.

When we arrived in Stockholm, I got another double-punch: the hotel rooms weren't ready AND we had a surprise meeting (yesterday was SUPPOSED to be a day off).

But I struggled through. And at the end of the night, we ended up in a lovely Swedish restaurant eating fish skewers. (When they first told me we were going to have Swedish fish for dinner, I thought we were going to make a meal out of small, red candy.)

Back to the hotel and into bed, where I stayed for 13 hours. I was so tired, I slept through breakfast (have you ever known your Doebtown to miss a meal?)

Once again, thanks for your great post and please keep 'em coming, as they perk me up every time I see them. All my love to Libby and Heidi. And, of course, lots of love to you, too, Doebette.

Much love,


PS - That bed looks GREAT. Didn't it feel great?


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