
Random Thoughts From Our Random Minds

Saturday, May 31, 2008


OK Penguins - make it worth my while

By: Doebette

Game 1: I stayed up to watch the game. The game stunk.
Game 2: I stayed up to watch the game. The game stunk.
Game 3: I went to sleep. Pittsburgh wins and has an amazing game.
Game 4: about to start. Some snotty British fella on my BBC tonight just said "I have a nasty feeling in my bones about Pittsburgh tonight. I don't think it's Pittsburgh's night"

Perhaps I should go to bed.

Well . . . when it was 2-1 in the third period I went to bed hoping perhaps that was the magic trick.

Sadly not the case. Think I'll skip the next game.


Poop SCOOPS! I think MALKIN should skip the next game . . . he STINKS.

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Friday, May 30, 2008


What is that bright yellow thing I see in the sky? It's the SUN!!!!

By: Doebette

Ok- maybe this isn't the best picture. But the sun popped out. I put my feet up and enjoyed.

3 minutes later it was gone again. Oh well.

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Hannah Bear- enjoyin her holiday

By: Doebette
Just got these pics and thought I'd share my cutie little niece chillin with her 'rents on Memorial day.

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Ohh, how three years can change things

By: Doebette
How funny. I was just poking around some of twodoebs archives today and found this funny posting from April '05 where doebs said he'd rather pay $3/gallon than have the speed limit go back to 55 M.P.H.

Hmm, now that gas is $4, does he still agree????

I would rather pay TEN dollars per gallon than have a national speed limit of 55 MPH. Not that I'm hoping that we'll see $10 gallons any time soon . . .

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Monday, May 26, 2008


Weekend Fun!

By: Doebette
Boy has it been fun having Doebs here!
As you saw in the post before, I took Doebs on a walking tour around some of my favorite haunts.

We enjoyed a trip through Regent's Park, an all-night long viewing of Stanley Cup, several nice meals (Doebs even said some of his meals were 'delicious' which is saying a lot for England), and a trip to the movies to watch Indiana Jones!

Well Doebs leaves tomorrow, and then it's a while before we see each other again. It stinks, but at least little Weber will be back home in his comfy bed and out of the kennel!

Oh and ps- the bridge is NOT called the Millennium Falcon Bridge.

I sort of wish it WAS called the Millenium Falcon Bridge... beam me up scottie! (Oh wait... wrong movie).

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Sunday, May 25, 2008


Pictures from Our Time Together in London, England

By: doebtown

Here's Kati showin' off her offices in London.

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  By: doebtown

Me wonderin' in they have reciprocity.

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  By: doebtown
Kati relivin' her glory days at LSE.

I look like a nerd. Though I remember Doebs saying when he took this picture that he thought I looked cute.

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  By: doebtown
Here's me lookin' pretty rockin' on the Millenium Falcon Bridge.

Pretty Rockin-ADORABLE!
Or is that the face of a man who got 10 minutes of sleep the day before. Hard to say.


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Saturday, May 24, 2008


American Sports Abroad

By: Doebette
Well, for anyone who's a fan of American sports and were abroad trying to watch them you know how difficult it can be. Tonight was Game 1 of the Stanley Cup featuring Doeb's beloved Penguins.

We found a "sports bar" (you might call it sports 'club') in the middle of what you would equate to Times Square that had the game. Sure, there was club music in the background, but who cared, the game was on.

We stayed up til 4am (that's 11pm for you East Coasters) just to see the Penguins LOSE. What made it worse was being surrounded by Red Wing fans in this bar . . . three of whom were crazy drunken Russians who got so excited the practically knocked their table over and spilled beer everywhere.

Hoping for better results in game two. On the upside, the bar owner was a Pittsburgh fan, a relatively new mgr of the place and declared it would be a Steelers bar come fall. We liked him!

Now it's time to SLEEP

Not only were they drunken Russians, they were drunken Russians who--for some reason--HATED Evgeni Malkin. That was strange.

It WOULD be nice, though, if Malkin would deliver some f'ing OFFENSE.


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The DOEBS Report--Live from London

By: doebtown
This one goes out to Jan and John and Paula and T-Diggity . . . pretty much ANYONE who's worried about Kati's well-being over here.

I'm pleased to report that Kati's place is safe and clean. Her neighborhood is downright cute. Yes, the alley in front of her apartment (oh, SORRY!--her FLAT . . . cherry-oh!) looks as if Jack-The-Ripper would have LOVED it, but she promises me that he's been dead for hundreds of years.

She DOES need her Doebers, though . . . when I got here, she was complaining that it was too hot. Come to find out she couldn't figure out to open the WINDOW on the second floor and she had her HEAT on.

Stay tuned . . . I'm getting pulled out the door to go to the Borough Market, so more to come!

(Weber's doing fine, too . . . we called the kennel this morning.)

Doebs is hilarious.
Well to be fair, I tried opening the bathroom window but got afraid I was going to break it - Doebs hung in there and got the window open.
And yeah, the heat was on, I had no idea.


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Friday, May 23, 2008


Joy! Bliss!

By: Doebette
Doebs has arrived!!

Now, I may have complained about my trip but nothing compares to what poor doebs has been through.

1. He had a LATE flight (now that was on purpose because he was on trial but still).
2. That late flight was NOT direct to London.
3. He missed his connection
4. BA does not have a ton of options between Edinburgh and London (suprisingly)
5. His next flight was delayed almost 2 hours

All in all, he traveled nearly 24 straight hours from when he left his office to arrive here and I couldn't be happier. I think he is too, don't ya think???

We are headed out now tho may likely be back to hit they hay in an hour since we're BOTH a little jet lagged, but I couldn't care less. I'm just happy he's here!

He was on trial? What did he do?

Glad you made it in one piece little brother! Have fun.


I slept until 1:30 PM today. It was LONG day yesterday. But it WAS nice to see my wif'.

Stefanie's back on the air! Hooray! Glad we finally wrote something interesting enough to get you to respond.

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Thursday, May 22, 2008


Back to UK!

By: Doebette
Well, after a far-too-fast weekend at home, I'm back to the sunny streets of London!

My return trip was a little 'bumpier' than my last trip over. My taxi from Brooklyn to Newark took TWO WRETCHED hours. Then it seemed my flight attendent kept forgetting I was there. But I guess if my worst problem on the flight was that I needed to ASK for my water to be refilled, that's not such a bad flight!

The airport however was completely overrun with CRAZY soccer fans. The "superbowl" of European soccer was last night in Moscow. Two UK teams were in the finals and I swear half the population of London went to watch and were ALL in customs at the same time as I was this morning. That poor lot looked hungover and exhuasted!

Traffic and general delays made my travel from the airport back to the flat another 2 hour adventure. Needless to say, it's been a long trip and a long day. I've managed to stay awake all day (though I had some rough spots during a client meeting today).

Tonight I'm super excited because Doebs is joining me here for the weekend!! I'm sure some more fun posts will come as a result!
Travel safe Doebs!!! I'll be the grinnin fool at the airport tomorrow!

Uodate: Doebs missed his connection delaying his arrival by a couple hours. Poor him!

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Thursday, May 15, 2008


The Tale of the Laundry

By: Doebette
It's 8.15pm. I'm coming home tomorrow for a long weekend (and let me tell you, I CAN'T WAIT to see Doebs!) . . . so in preparation I will need to do some laundry and pack up a few things.

Now, I must face the dreaded Washer/Dryer Combo. I admit it, I fear the washer/dryer combo. I'm quite convinced it's going to flood the kitchen or something awful.

Why- with SUPER simple control panels like this, why should I be nervous??

8.20pm Attempt begins: I push lots of buttons. Noise sounding like water begins to flow - I am pleased with myself.

9.00pm Wash over - door remains locked. I can't get it open. SO I switch on the dryer dial and hit start again. Make sense right? (go me!). Uh oh - the wash starts again.

9.45pm Still awaiting the completion of the second go in the wash. Going to watch my 9000th episode of Friends while I wait.

Now I'm onto my 700th episode of Scrubs. We're in the rinse cycle tho, so I have hope there will be resolution soon!
10.30pm YAY- It's now drying.

11.33pm Drying cycle is done, but I still can't get the door open. There's some anti-wrinkle cycle.
I may fall asleep!

11.54pm. FINALLY

Those are some mighty clean clothes...

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008


How CUTE is this DOG!

By: Doebette

I love my dog.

He peed on the super's wife last night.

the cat lover has become a dog lover....

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Monday, May 12, 2008


Another Day, another Farmer's Market

By: Doebette
So I'm a day late on this one - I meant to post yesterday. Well, Sunday got away from me. So here we are on Monday night.

The weather in London has been freakishly nice; sunny and hot! It made for more fun Sunday. I got up early to check out the local church. It's a beautiful place just a block away, called St. James. I accidentally ende dup at a mass with no music which was kind of boring, but it was still a really beautiful church and nice to see!

I then got to enjoy another farmers market - this one RIGHT in front of the building. Granted it was kind of puny in comparison to the Borough market but it was nice to watch from the sitting room! I did pass through, and boy the Brits like cabbage and rhubarb!

I then walked up to the Regent's Garden. I'd never been there before and it reminded me a bit of Prospect Park in Bklyn. I don't have any pics cuz I didn't bring the camera (sorry), but it is a really pretty park that I will look forward to spending more time in!

I then spent the afternoon doing some work, but kept getting distracted by the pub across the way deeply into the Premiereship Footbal finals (Manchester United won the 10th championship in 16 years! We think the Pats are a dynasty!!)

I haven't been to this pub yet but I am intrigued by a local british pub with a french champagne awning out front . . . AND it's in visible distance from the flat. So, I'll be there soon enough!!
I am getting geared up for lots of work these days, but enjoying the sights and sounds of the neighborhood are making up for the busy work and missing my Doebs!!

Sounds like a good time was had by all, but people are going to start thinking you have a drinking problem when all you worry about is champagne... Oh, wait. Everyone already KNOWS you have such a problem... Hee hee.

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Saturday, May 10, 2008


London- Nostalgia Tour '08

By: Doebette
Ahh, Saturday!! Today I made my way down to the Borough Market, which, anyone who knows me knows- is one of my FAVORITE places! I used to live just down the street when I was here for school, and went there literally every weekend . . . so today, I went back for a glorious reunion.
A few things have changed- it's all a bit more polished and "corporate" looking than it used to be. All official signs, packaging, bags . . . in some ways that was a bummer, but I found the Olive ladies, the Nut Man, the Pasta Man and the Bread people all like they used to be. I didn't buy too much, due to WDS (WEAK DOLLAR SYNDROME) but did try some samples and picked up a couple things.

I was SUPER sad that I did NOT see the Blueberry Lady (and her DELIC' Spicy Blueberry Sauce), or the Raclette Man. In fact I went there super hungry hoping deeply to enjoy the Raclette dish . . . but he wasn't there. Maybe the next time I swing down to the market

I walked along the banks of the river, just behind the market to another fave spot, the the Anchor Pub.

I spent HOURS at this place while I was in school. They have a super patio and I'd sit out there with my books and whatnot back in the day. I was heartbroken that the Anchor Pub is closed for renovations. Oh well!

The whole south bank is all a bit fancier than it used to be with new shops, hotels and restaurants. It was really nice to wander the old 'hood.
I then walked over the Millennium Bridge, over to St. Pauls, across through the Fleet Street area, to the Aldwych and through my old school, LSE. It pretty much looked the same, even the crappy little sandwich shop I used to eat at all the time. It's an icky looking place but they did a pretty rockin egg sandwish and a "pressed" cheese and tomato sammy that I dug. Those two served as a high percentage of my meals while there!

My standards (and budget) have improved since then; this is the dinner made with my spoils from the day, Pumpkin ravioli in a brown butter and sage sauce with a baby leaf salad and fresh bread. Yummy!

A great and relaxing day . . . surely to be followed up tomorrow with more exploration in this new neighborhood!

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Thursday, May 08, 2008


London Adventure

By: Doebette
Many of you may know, but my company has sent me to London to help with some business-y things. I promised that I'd make regular updates here about my journey and adventures (well except for the boring business-y bits)

SO! Day one, I've been here for less than 12 hrs so far but I'm pretty close to being ready for bed. I left Newark last night on Silverjet Airlines. You've probably never heard of them before, they only fly to Newark, Dubai and London-Luton. It's a business class only airline and in comparison to the other "business class" offerings, it was much more affordable. This naturally made me nervous but figured I'd give it a shot.

My overall review was really great. That they make free booze plentiful helps (read: Doebette enjoyed some champagne on the flight, and even some before the flight!), that they have a nice waiting lounge with snacks, reading materials, music and they just take your bags away so you don't have to deal with them- these are all good signs. The plane is all biz class so the seats are spacious, recline fully and even have nice little coat hangers on the seat in front of you.

I started to panic when I noticed no TV's for inflight entertainment, but then sure enough one of the PLENTIFUL flight attendants came by with my 'personal entertainment suite'. They were small portable machines with great headphones full of movie, tv and music selections!

I actually got some sleep, got to see a movie I wanted, and the food was actually pretty good!
Go Silver Jet!
After the LONG way from Luton Airport (described to me by a local as "The last place God made unfortunately") I arrived at my flat. All is just fine in the flat...not luxury digs, but plentiful space, internet, an ok cable selection and great location. Well, except for the construction.

This is the view from my flat's sitting room looking left. The construction was NOISY today!! You'll also notice a partitioned playground right next to the construction...that's for the primary school right next to the building. ALSO- noisy today.

By and large the place is fine, it'll make a nice home away from home til the assignment is all wrapped up.

Thanks for the well wishes and happy thoughts sent my way. I'm not sure how much longer I can stay awake tonight...I'm not as young as I was when I used to do the overnight flights all the time, but I'll keep posting!!

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Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Feedback on Scuba Training With Adventure Scuba

By: doebtown
We recently took the pool portions of our scuba certification training with an outfit called Adventure Scuba on New York's Upper East Side. Shortly after the training, we received the following e-mail:


Having recently completed Scuba training with us I was wondering if you don't mind taking a few minutes from your busy day to let me know how your experience with us was.

Your feedback will help us to make changes and improve our services in the future.
Please feel free to speak your mind whatever the topic. From your experience in the
classroom to the pool facility that we use, to your in water instructor, without
your help we are never positive that everyone has gotten the most out of their
training with Adventure Scuba. Both positive and negative feedback helps
us to do our jobs better.

Thank You


Adventure Scuba
1737 York
New York, NY 10128
"Adventure awaits you"

"Seth" is presumably Seth Orenstein, Adventure Scuba's owner.

ANYWAY, since he ASKED, we felt compelled to reply. ACTUALLY, I had written a much stronger letter the day after our training, but we opted not to send it 'cause it . . . well, it wasn't very nice. But--as I said--he ASKED.

So Kati sent him THIS message:

Dear Seth,

I'm glad you wrote us as I'd already been planning a note for you. For a
summary response, I'd say our experience was mixed.

On the positive notes:
The Asphalt Green facilities are just
beautiful. It was a great place and I'm glad we got the chance to use it.
Addison Chappell, our teacher, was very patient, helpful and efficient.
appreciate you making the one day course available. While it was a long day, and
we do have some negative feedback, it would have been very difficult for us to
do in multiple sessions. Even in retrospect, we wouldn't have done it any
other way.

The Negatives:
1. The group was just too large. We were 3-on-1
in class and that ratio was perfect. Considering the group at large however,
there was not enough space . . . we were literally on top of each other. Addison
had to make adjustments to his plans a few times to accommodate the large number
of scuba students in and around the pool. As two people who weren't originally
in the April 26 class, I couldn't help but wonder if it would have been better
for all if we were told that the class was too crowded to join that day. In any
case, it just felt like too many people were there for it to be comfortable.

2. Following on the idea that class was too large . . . there was no back
up equipment because of the number of students. It seems incredibly dismissive
of the cost and time expenditure not to ensure there is back up equipment if
it's needed.

3. Faulty equipment lead to my tank running out of air completely at the
bottom of the pool. As a result, I had to make a Controlled Emergency Swimming
Ascent. Throughout the day, my SPG was malfunctioning, causing air to leak
from the tank. When I noticed the air leak during the morning I showed Addison
who indicated it shouldn't cause any real trouble but to watch it. At our lunch
break, my SPG indicated I'd used more air than my classmates which we all
attributed to the leak. After lunch we were supplied new tanks with dust caps
on. When I attached the regulator and checked the SPG my reading did not
indicate a full tank. Assuming the dust cap was errantly put on a partially full
tank, Addison opted to get a new tank. That, however, yielded the same atypical
reading from my SPG, only about 1000 psi.

Addison took the SPG and regulator to the equipment room and inspected
it, presumably with the other teachers. When he returned, he said that the SPG
worked, it just didn't give accurate readings. Since no back ups were available
we continued the dive with the faulty SPG. Another instructor even checked in on
the situation, also calling the equipment "diveable". So, we continued. After
only a few skills underwater my SPG was reading low, 500 psi, and I showed
Addison who indicated I should continue. Very shortly thereafter, my SPG
read zero. I showed Addison who again indicated I should just keep an eye on

During our next task my tank ran completely out of air, and I had
to make a CESA This tells me that while it was clear that the SPG was faulty, it
was also highly likely that the tank was faulty as well—if the tank was full at
the start of the dive, it couldn't have been empty halfway through the
afternoon. Obviously, I had to end the dive while my classmates continued; I
watched from the surface. Once they completed their skills, we switched tanks
and regulators so I could complete mine.

My chief problem with this experience is that it was completely
avoidable. With too many students booked and no back up equipment I was left
with malfunctioning equipment. Compounding this disappointment is that from the
first entry to the pool, our teacher knew the equipment was faulty and, although
there was a store full of equipment across the street, no replacement was made
available. The final shocking bit about this is that with Adventure Scuba
holding themselves out as one of those "reputable" dive shops where divers
should have their equipment serviced, it doesn't appear that much care is taken
for the life support equipment used in class. Not to mention, this apparent
blase attitude about faulty equipment runs in direct contrast to the very
principals PADI aims to teach, and undermines their emphasis on checking your
gear, ensuring it's working properly and caring for it meticulously.

My secondary problem was that later that evening I experienced chest
pains and great discomfort, enough so that it even caused us to call DAN for
medical advice. We can't help but wonder what role, if any, the malfunctioning
equipment and apparent use of an entire tank and a half of air in one day may
have played in that experience.

All in all, we did enjoy our class and I regret any indication that
Addison is not a competent and caring teacher. I felt he was
genuinely interested in our learning. However, we were disappointed by the
quality of the equipment provided, especially considering it likely could have
been a contributing factor to a rather scary post-dive experience.

I expect a PADI approved shop to treat its equipment and students with
greater care. And, in case reparative measures have not yet been taken, it was
regulator number 3.

Many thanks to your attention to this serious matter,


And a scary situation it WAS. No response from Seth or Adventure Scuba, yet . . . stay tuned and we'll update you if there are changes.

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