
Random Thoughts From Our Random Minds

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Back to UK!

By: Doebette
Well, after a far-too-fast weekend at home, I'm back to the sunny streets of London!

My return trip was a little 'bumpier' than my last trip over. My taxi from Brooklyn to Newark took TWO WRETCHED hours. Then it seemed my flight attendent kept forgetting I was there. But I guess if my worst problem on the flight was that I needed to ASK for my water to be refilled, that's not such a bad flight!

The airport however was completely overrun with CRAZY soccer fans. The "superbowl" of European soccer was last night in Moscow. Two UK teams were in the finals and I swear half the population of London went to watch and were ALL in customs at the same time as I was this morning. That poor lot looked hungover and exhuasted!

Traffic and general delays made my travel from the airport back to the flat another 2 hour adventure. Needless to say, it's been a long trip and a long day. I've managed to stay awake all day (though I had some rough spots during a client meeting today).

Tonight I'm super excited because Doebs is joining me here for the weekend!! I'm sure some more fun posts will come as a result!
Travel safe Doebs!!! I'll be the grinnin fool at the airport tomorrow!

Uodate: Doebs missed his connection delaying his arrival by a couple hours. Poor him!

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