
Random Thoughts From Our Random Minds

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Here's Something For Me To Be Proud Of!

By: doebtown
I'm (basically) as good as a pro!

Scott Kelby--who is one of the masters of contemporary photography (those of you who can't name a photographic great other than Ansel Adams will just have to trust me on this one!)--keeps a pretty regular blog. One of his tricks for keeping his content fresh is to commonly feature guest bloggers.

His guest blogger today was a guy named Bill Fortney. I've never heard of this character before, but whatever!--he's a guest blogger for Scott Kelby, so he's gotta be somewhat good, right? Fortney--like pretty much all other guest bloggers included tons of his images in his post.

OK, so here's where I'm going with this. Look at the two images below. One of them is one of Fortney's picture. The other one is one of my pictures in my portfolio. Can you tell which is which?

Mine is the first one. Frankly, looking at the two of 'em together, I kinda prefer mine!

Regardless of your personal tastes, though, and even if some of you could sniff out subtle superiority in the pro's shot, I'm still pretty impressed at the similarity!

Perhaps Scott Kelby should start following my blog! I'm sure he'd love to see all the pictures of Libby we've posted up here!

I like the pattern of the leaf in yours. Your image fills the frame more and makes a more symmetrically appealing visual.

Nice job.


I agree with everything Kenny said! Thanks, Kenny.

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