
Random Thoughts From Our Random Minds

Thursday, June 09, 2011


Facebook Combat Strategy #2: New Mobile Site

By: doebtown

Truth is, I created the monster.

I was the one who put the first smartphone in Sweet Kati's hand. I was the one who encouraged her to take up my habits of mobile web surfing. And I was the one who installed all the apps on her iPhone.

And anybody who's tried to have dinner with her in the last 2 years knows the result: it's impossible to get that thing out of her hands!

Now, in fairness to my lovely wife, she is typically doing something constructive: checking in with a babysitter via text, trying to update me on the score of the hockey game, looking up a little factoid that's relevant to our conversation. All things that I should--and do--encourage.

But one of the other things she's frequently doing is playing around on Facebook. And she does it a lot.

Facebook didn't have a mobile app when they launched, nor did they have one when the details of The Social Network were playing out. But I'm pretty sure the ability to casually check in on your friends' goings-ons from your iPhone in the 2 minutes between the time you order your latte and the time it's served to you are one of the biggest contributors to the site's success.

That's why we at twodoebs are proud to roll out an entirely new mobile site that will allow you the same quick access to our content no matter where you are. We've been hard at work on this new interface and know you'll appreciate its clean, simple presentation.

To access our new site, just visit:

from any web-enabled mobile phone.

And let us know what you think! We'd love to hear your reactions to our newest improvement.

Firstly - WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO - yay for us! And Go Doebtown!!

Secondly - It's most certainly NOT impossible to get the phone out of my hands.

Though admittedly over dinner last night I WAS enjoying my new book via the Kindle App while Doebtown grilled our dinner.

I'll be sure to remind you of this note every time I see the phone in YOUR hands over dinner :)


Looks good... Now, if you could just get a little TwoDoebs app in the iTunes app store, it would be perfect!

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