
Random Thoughts From Our Random Minds

Wednesday, June 08, 2011


Facebook Combat Strategy #1: Deliver twodoebs Content to You!

By: doebtown
Consideration of how a blog like twodoebs can remain relevant in an era of Facebook needs to start with an understanding of why Facebook is so popular. One thing Facebook has in its favor is the ease with which it gets content to its readers. You don’t need to manually go to the site to read postings, Facebook brings the postings to you. Blogs--on the other hand--require a reader to return to the site over and over again to check what’s new, even if that process is facilitated with bookmarks. Some of y’all might have enjoyed that task back in the twodoebs glory days, but it certainly seems as if that has become more of a chore than a pleasure.

One of the ways we can match this strength of Facebook is to bring twodoebs content to you. If you know what RSS is, you probably don’t need us to be telling you how to do it. But--for those of you who are tech-inclined--the address of the feed is:

If RSS means nothing to you, we can still help! Here’s how:

Send an e-mail to with the words “Subscribe twodoebs” in the subject line and nothing in the body of the message. You will be added to a list of recipients who will get an e-mail when new postings are added to twodoebs. Magic!--you'll never miss a new posting.

We know that if we can make it easier for you to find twodoebs content, our loyal readers will be more likely to participate in the blog.

What about you?--do you think that having content specially delivered to you inbox would make you more likely to read twodoebs postings or comment on them?

I feel like I subscribed once before, but never got any updates... I don't consider myself to be "less tech-inclined".... Hope to recieve updates!

I will say that one of the more appealing things about facebook postings is that once you're logged in, you just comment, "like", or participate... on twodoebs, I have to log in and give the "word verification" every single time... even when I'm giving 10 comments in one sitting... Sometimes it doesn't work, and then I get tired of fighting it, so I give up. Is there a way to "log in" one time and then just be able to comment on all different stories?


It's good feedback.

I know that commenting is kind of a problem on the Blogger platform. It's certainly not as good as Facebook is.

I'll keep your thoughts in mind and continue to look for ways to make commenting easier.

I can tell you, though, that there MUST be some way to sign in and then never have to re-log on because *I* never have to enter a password or type in the captcha.

It probably has something to do with a Google log in. Blogger was bought by Google, so they now use a universal log in. Are you logged in to other Google products?


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