
Random Thoughts From Our Random Minds

Thursday, June 02, 2011


CSA - Farm Fresh Fun

By: Doebette

This summer, we here at twodoebs will be participating in a CSA. What's a CSA you ask? It stands for Community Supported Agriculture. In essence, you buy a share of a local farm and on some regular basis, you get a share of that farm's bounty. I've been meaning to do this now for a few years but finally got to it this year and I am SO excited!

For the next 22 weeks, we'll receive a small box of goods from the farm - we can even opt in to take advantage of specials the farm will offer throughout the season including meats from a local livestock farm. It certainly won't negate our need for produce at the store, but it will likely reduce it.

The other benefits, of course, are supporting local agriculture rather than corporate farming. Not to mention presumably fresher produce. Plus I imagine we'll get exposed to new produce and try new recipes along the way!

So look forward to regular posts about our progress and reviews. Today was our first installment and we got:
- two tomatoes
- a bunch of asparagus
- a basil plant
- a half dozen eggs
- a head of lettuce
- a large bunch of spring onions

We've used a whole bunch of it all already! We grilled burgers tonight and enjoyed the lettuce, tomatoes and onions on our burgers and grilled the asparagus as a side dish. So far it's all delicious! Looking forward to a salad tomorrow and more CSA fun to come this summer.

That's SO cool and looks super yummy!!!

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