I might FREAK out. I can't wait for the next two weeks to pass so this wretched season of political ads can end. I found myself this year even MORE turned off than any other year. Why?
The ads are more biting - divisive and ultimately pointless. As in - they make no REAL point. There's lots of "JOE BLOW is not for you" . . ."A vote for JOE BLOW will cause us all to be attacked by a terrorist" . . ."JOE BLOW is only out for him/herself" - blah blah blah.
Here's what's even weirder - if you asked me RIGHT now, I am not entirely sure I could tell you who is running against whom and for what office. The landscape is SO cluttered with noise it's impossible to find information.
Why is this you ask?
Because the Supreme Court said it could. Back in January, the Supreme Court gave
corporations and unions the ability to spend freely in endorsing candidates and putting out political ads. The best is they don't have to really identify themselves either. So the 'message' you're getting is as biased as it comes brought to you by "Americans for BLAHBLAH" but it's really a company or union - who has an agenda, but YOU, John Q. Citizen don't know that. This first major election season of this total horsecrap is just the TIP of the iceberg I fear for what the next presidential election will look like. It makes my brain melt. I thought I hated political ads before - but this makes me want to turn off the TV and run screaming from the polling place because I just can't TAKE it anymore. I'm quite sure there are companies hoping I might do just that. Or that crazy woman in Nevada who actually
DID tell hispanic voters not to vote (see, her opponent had been leading in the hispanic market, so by all means - tell them not to vote.)
If you are looking for actual INFORMATION and not rhetoric - my esteemed co-blogger found this site this morning and it might help you make some decisions about the major races in your state.
http://votesmart.org/voteeasy/Hopefully you will find it useful and better than poking your ears and eyes out with a spork by having to watch a single ad for the rest of this god forsaken campaign season.
Oh - and from my buddy Jon . . .