This week (well yesterday, technically speaking) marks our one-year Yinzer-versary! It was one year ago we moved to Pittsburgh.
For those of you who don't know what a Yinzer is - let me enlighten.
"Yinz" is the Pittsburgh version of "y'all". But where "y'all" is an actual contraction (you + all) and is a sweet colloquialism that is easily adopted by nothern visitors -Yinzers (aka, those for whom Yinz is a normal word in the lexicon) well - quite simpley - being a Yinzer is a way of life. Yinzers live in/around Pittsburgh and have a very specific accent and even vocabulary. For example - "down town" is pronounced "dahntahn". "Irons" are beers (don't worry, that one actually isn't so crazy. The local favorite beer is Iron City). Yinzers add the phrase 'n'at to the end of a sentence that is meant to indicate a 'series' or 'mulitple'. I presume it started from "and all that" but was shortened. For example, I am going 'dahntahn' to drink some "Irons'n'at". Ohh Yinzers. they are funny.
For those of you with copious amounts of spare time - there is no end to the Yinzer hilarity on YouTube.
Anyway - here's some of the things I've learned about living in Pittsburgh in this last year.
1. Drivers are so nice they actually are TOO nice. I can't tell you the number of times people being overly nice to each other at an intersection and letting a car go thru has actually screwed up traffic or practically caused an accident. Don't worry, if a driver waves me thru, I GO.
2. Things are cheaper here. Boy it's nice to have a mangeable cost of living.
3. YOU CAN'T GET FRESH BAKERY ON A SUNDAY. It's crazy. Honsetly crazy. And it breaks my heart every Sunday.
4. I have never seen a people so rabid than a bunch of Steeler fans on Sunday. It's honestly bizarre. What's funny tho, is even with the rabid fan-dom, you never feel like a fight could breakout at any second. That's probably because you really don't ever see fans from the visitors side but still - drunken fan-ish debauchery with a sense of respect for others. (PS - Philly fans could take a hint from that).
5. This may be Sewickley-specific but 'around here' they don't let the kids trick or treat on Halloween. It's something like the Thursday before Halloween is 'trick or treat' night. That's absurd. And weird. I thought something crazy had happened when returning home from a business trip the Thursday before Halloween this year to find hordes of kids trick or treating everywhere.
6. The Pittsburgh Airport is delightful. It's clean, easy, small and rarely crowded. Now at about 6am on a weekday that place is a madhouse and security lines are out the wazzoo but pretty much the rest of the time everything is a breeze. I LOVE that I can have an 8pm flight, leave my house at 6:30 and: get to the airport, park, get thru security, on the tram, over to the gate in about 50 mins. (Although to be fair, that time I had my boarding pass already printed - but still). Of course the downside to being in a small market is that we don't have the plethora of options and direct flights to other medium or small markets are harder to find but for a gal who mostly goes to DC, Philly or NYC I am served just fine.
7. We eat WAY less take out. There just aren't that many options as NY obviously and not everyone under the sun will deliver to us up in the hills here but for the size of our bank account and the size of our pants, less take out is better.
8. This city has about the most confusing 'parkway' system that I STILL don't understand. There are two different highways that go two different directions both called "Parkway". There's "Parkway East, Northbound" and "Parkway East, Southbound"..."Parkway West, Northbound" and "Parkway West, Southbound - - I THINK.
9. Our poor GPS can't keep up around here. She (our GPS is named Jill) is usually wrong about the highway number or the exit number. Because so much has changed in the highway set up here in the recent years (supposedly), many GPS's are out of date. My plan is usually to follow whatever direction she's giving me if she's right on 2 out of 3 markers (road name, exit number and distance from the exit). If all else fails, just go to the airport. I can definitely find my way home from the airport.
10. Things are just 'easier'. Commuting is easier, parking is easier, getting around (despite aforementioned GPS struggles) is easier, traffic is easier. One thing tho - i wish there was a better public transportation or taxi network here. It makes it impossible for Doebs and I to both enjoy a glass of wine with dinner - but thankfully he ususally lets ME enjoy.
(I will omit my rant about the absolutley logic-less, arcane laws about purchasing alcohol 'round here. I'll save that for another day!)
To celebrate our Yinzer-versary, we went out to a nice new restaurant Saturday night and then yesterday went to enjoy the Rib and Wing Fest (see post below) at Seven Springs. (I also managed to squeeze in a trip to the salon AND a mani/pedi - AND we even did some yard work! We were very productive little homeowners). We also got to sit back and reflect on some of the fun things we did this year like:
1. A few trips to Kennywood
2. Katie and Tom's Thanksgiving party
3. Peggy and Chris's World Cup party
4. OUR Olympics party
5. Kate's Lobsterfest
6. Lots of visits from our friends and family (mom and dad, Gilles,Toko and Thomas, Cindy, Tracy and the girls, David and CC, Kelly, Aunt Chris - KEEP ON COMIN GUYS!! We love having you!!!!)
7. Doebs was able to see some friends in OH back last fall
8. Oh and the STEELERS GAMES!!!
9. The Kidney Walk at the Zoo
10. The Progressive Dinner in the fall
There was lots of fun to be had and we look forward to more.
Though I have said to Doebs and now I say to you all - if Libby starts talking like a Yinzer - we are OUTTA HERE - that day.