
Random Thoughts From Our Random Minds

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


This Week in Sports - Volume 3

By: Doebette
Well looky here. . . 3 weeks in a row. You can see I'm so proud of myself, I decided to label this one 'Volume 3', because I'm fancy. Maybe next week I'll add more pizzazz to the titling of this post.

Alright now - here's for my thoughts.

1. Last week - a Federal Judge in CT declared Quinnipiac College could not use Cheerleading as part of their sporting opportunities for women in order to be compliant with Title 9. In other words - some nimrod decided Cheerleading wasn't a sport. My local sports talk radio called it 'the activity going on over on the side while sports are happening', and 'foreplay'. Dear twodoebs readers, I am IRATE over this. Yes I agree there are plenty of hooker-ish tramps dallying around on the sidelines and doing little else - these, I agree are not athletes.

But competitive cheerleaders of ALL AGES (middle school thru college) are EVERY BIT the athletes of other "sanctioned" (read all kinds of sarcasm into those quotes) sports. May I add - some of the qualifications to be considered a sport include having uniforms (CHECK), coaches (CHECK) and competitive endeavors (C-H-E-C-K).

I realize this next thing I'm about to say may cause another line of conversation - but Cheerleading is in fact the most dangerous SPORT in terms of injury to women. Just google it - you'll find lots, including this article from MedPage. Bottom line folks is this - as someone who spent YEARS in the SPORT of Cheerleading - to say that it isn't tells me presumptions are being made based on stereotype - not on knowledge.

2. Dez Bryant is an idiot. Firstly he comes out of the draft process crying to the media AFTER he was drafted by the Cowboys whining that the questions he got asked by the Dolphins were 'too personal'. Sorry kiddo - a team that is about to spend MILLIONS on you - has a right to know whether you are from a crime riddled family that will cause them media grief for years to come. NOW he, while being rather gently hazed by a veteran on his team (hazed = being told to carry the veterans pads to the locker room after practice) refuses saying he was drafted to play football, not carry pads. (oh oh oh - and NOW he's coming out saying 'he didn't know' about hazing the rookies and feels terribly that it got blown so out of proportion. Sure - I believe that)

Here's what I know about you Dez - you're a whiner - you are too full of yourself ALREADY and are quite possibly one of my least favorite players and not one snap has been taken. Young sir - you just earned a wonderful opportunity in the NFL. How about you show a little humility. How about you shut up, keep your head down and don't walk into this presuming you know everything.

3. A-Rod still hasn't hit that 600th. I'm doin my best to follow along for ya A-Rod.

4. Tiger is still a major league jerk, even tho there's no real news about him this week.

I still love the fact that we were there for A-Rod's 500th . . . 600th isn't NEARLY as impressive.

I have given a lot of thought to the court case about cheerleading at Quinnipiac... I think in the long run, it will be good for women in sports... I, too, was initially pissed to hear it because I know how much training and gymnastics goes into the competition routines, not to mention the death-defying tricks they do that NOBODY else does. However, at Quinnipiac and other smaller schools, they are trying to count ALL cheerleaders as athletes, and we all can agree that the competition squad and the squad you send to the JV wrestling match are two different groups... In this case, women's volleyball was being pushed out by ALL cheerleaders, not the athletic competition squad. Its a slippery slope... If they said those gals were "atheletes" for Title 9, pretty soon the gals who spin the big flags in the marching band would count for Title 9, and the women's soccer team would be kicked to the curb. I support this decision, but not the blanket statement that cheerleading is not a sport.

Agreed - definitely the little kiddos who just cheer at games or what not (or the ones who just tramp around college sports) aren't the athletes I'm talking about. And in no way am I saying that cheerleading is "more" of a sport than volleyball - just that to say all of cheerleading isn't a sport is just plain old stupidity.

I'm sure ice skaters feel very much the same way.

Alas - the whole thing is a shame.


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