
Random Thoughts From Our Random Minds

Sunday, January 31, 2010


We Want YOUR Feedback

By: doebtown
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Okay, just came across your blog randomly, and I must ask: What kind of camera are you using? Lens? Flash? Your photos are AMAZING!!!

You have got, got, GOT to be kidding me. But it's SO flattering, I'll happily take the complement.

Thank you.

(You hear that, David S.?--"amazing!" . . . G?--did YOU hear that: "amazing"!)

I shoot still pictures on a Canon 40D. I usually use the kit lens that came with the camera, which is a EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM Standard Zoom Lens. Sometimes, though, I switch out to a EF 50mm f/1.8 'cause it's so damn fast, so I can shoot in really low light situations. That's what I used for the pictures from Kate's Lobster Party.

I've also got a really long lens and a macro lens, but I haven't done much with either of them. Stay tuned to see what I come up with.

As far as flash goes, up until very recently, I've tried very hard to shoot with only available light. I try hard to stay away from the onboard flash on the camera (hence the EF 50mm f/1.8).

Just recently, though, I've been messing around with some Canon Speedlite 580EXs. The pictures from Kate's Lobster Party had one mounted in the camera's hot shoe and a second remote Speedlite that we moved around the room, lighting either the background or the subjects.

All of the video that we shoot comes from an iPhone 3GS.

Thanks again--you've made my day!


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