
Random Thoughts From Our Random Minds

Saturday, December 09, 2006


Our Version of the Quote, Unquote Christmas Letter

By: doebtown

Dear People We Know,

We think this should be very funny. Christmas Letters that take themselves too seriously are universally made fun of by the recipients. We're sure you'll make fun of this, too, but at least you'll be laughing with us instead of at us.

The Christmas Letter typically begins with a paragraph recapping the goings-on of the family unit during the year that's coming to a close. Easy enough: Kati and I got married this year.

The standard Christmas Letter then turns to paragraphs aggrandizing the professional achievements of each family member. For two self indulgent people, that’s also not a problem . . .

Kati's been promoted more times in 2006 than Bush has said that we're winning the war in Iraq. She's come to perch as--it's a mouthful!--Interactive Project Management Team Lead. Although courted by every web development agency in the computer-using world, TMP Worldwide continues to keep Kati happy, so there she stays.

For my part, I've graduated from Criminal Court to the Grand Jury. At this rate, I should have my first Court TV televised trial somewhere around March--maybe April--of 2007. I am, however, very seriously considering quitting my job to help Rudy Giuliani win the 2008 Presidential election.

Once the Christmas Letter makes its readers feel inferior to the senders, it pays homage to all the family members that have died during the preceding year. We, fortunately, managed to keep the entire flock together this year. Sadly for me, this includes Belle-the-cat (that ENTIRE sentence, by the way, was dictated by Kati, for those of you who are concerned that I have a hard place in my heart for that vile creature).

The parting words of the Christmas Letter are abstract sentiments imparting impossible standards of peace on Earth and overly optimistic wishes for health and personal successes in the New Year. All cynicism aside, Kati and I wish for nothing than harmonious coexistence on a global and local level--if everyone could be as happy as we are, things would be pretty OK. And yes, it's true: we also hope you all have good health and much happiness in 2007.

For more sarcasm mixed with genuine emotion and updates on our lives, keep at the top of your browser's Favorites menu--we'll keep it coming on our usual sporadic pace in 2007.

Much Familiarity,

Kati and Matt

very funny

You should hand this out to couples who've recently had their first child. They can basically cut and paste names and events...but this is GREAT!

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