Well, because the last post received interested feedback from at least ONE loyal doebtown reader, I thought it might be worthwhile to post some new information that I have acquired with regard to this matter since I last wrote about it (this is ALMOST more just notes to myself as I continue to investigate how they're going about this, but it MIGHT be interesting to anyone else who is curious about this case):
- According to court documents, the docket number for the case is 1:05-cv-04960, the case name is LAP Ziegler, Ziegler & Associates LLP et al v. China Digital Media Corporation et al, and it's been assigned to Judge Preska.
- According to court documents, although the plaintiff is an attorney, the complaint was filed by Christopher Brennan, who also works at the firm of Ziegler, Ziegler & Associates (570 Lexington Avenue, 44th Floor, New York, NY, 10022, 212-319-7600), on behalf of Mr. Ziegler.
- According to the complaint, the e-mail address in question is saz@zza.net.
- According to the complaint, Mr. Ziegler is a securities lawyer.
- According to the complaint, the offending e-mails in question "touted the stock of Defendant China Digital Media Corporation and appeared to be part of a 'pump and dump' scheme perpetrated by Defendants John Does 1-10 with the acquiescence and assistance of Defendant China Digital Media Corporation." Complaint at 2.
- According to the complaint, "Anyone . . . who investigated the origin of the SPAM message in question . . . would have concluded that the SPAM originated from ZZA and/or Scott Ziegler. Were any such person to go to the website www.zza.net such person would believe that such e-mail came from a law firm that specializes in securities law matters. Complaint at 9.
- According to the complaint, the named defendant admits to having hired a "stock promoter" and compensated this stock promoter by giving them 600,000 free trading shares of the defendant's stock.
- According to the complaint, the named defendant has chosen not the reveal the name of this "stock promoter."
- The causes of action in the complaint are libel, conversion, trespass to chattels, negligence, unjust enrichment, trademark infringement,
- The plaintiff requests $250,000 for compensatory damages and punitive damages of $1 million for each tort count (for a grand total of $1.25 million in compensatory damages and $5 million in punitive damages--that's $6.25 million for those of you who are counting along at home!) and treble damages for the trademark infringement count.