
Random Thoughts From Our Random Minds

Friday, May 06, 2005


Ah HA! A Federal Id Card

By: doebtown
I recall once having a conversation with a certain unnamed Frenchman where the topic of federally issued ID cards came up and I said that I thought all Americans would be required to cary such a card and they would not be allowed to travel, work, or collect revenue without one. The response? (sing it with me now, Sweet Kati)--"But NO . . . Matthew!--you're crazy!"

I don't mean to say I told you so, but enter the Real ID Act. 2008--I actually beleive that's about three years BEFORE my anticipated guess of ten years (which would have been 'round about 2011). Now if we can just get to wokin' on those chips in our brains, please . . .

FAQ: How Real ID will affect you

But Matthew....This is AMERICA!

G - Yes, of COURSE, I remember when this conversation took place! It was decidedly AFTER 9/11. That's not something that would have gone through my head before 9/11 . . . it was somethin' I got to thinkin' about in RESPONSE to 9/11.

Actually, I think it was only last year 'cause I think I may have been workin' for Larry at the time. The reason I think this is because I seem to recall specifically the idea that one would have to use this card to gain access to their office building and--more specifically--to their floor. This was, of course, something that we had to do at Larry's office, but the ID was issued by the office management, not the federal government.

My guess of how this thing'll work is a cross between a drivers license, a key-card, and an EasyPass. It'll be federally issued, and grant (or deny, as the case may be) you certain rights and priviledges (the priviledge to operate a motor vehicle, the right to carry a guy, they priviledge to fly on commercial airliners). It'll work with proximity scanners and turnstyles or elevators to grant entrance to some and deny entrance to others. It'll, of course, keep track of where you go.

The question is, who cares? Between EasyPass, MetroCards, and cell phones, the government can ALREADY do a pretty good job of knowing where we are (or, better yet, where we've BEEN). This'll just make it easier and put the information all in one place, where it's more convenient and--consequently--more effecient.


well what do you think of THIS technology from Microsoft...i have to say that i have seen this in use at the Hollywood Tans even...seems that something like this in conjunction with a federal ID card and the govt can REALLY know what you're up to!


Well, they've been talking about this fingerprint technology for years. Actually, back in the day, I HEARD that the reason it didn't catch on as a substitute for ATM passwords was that they were afraid that too many people would have their fingers cut off to steal money (so watch OUT nest time you go to Hollywood Tans that someone doesn't cut your finger off to get some free tans out of it!).

But the same way that I don't think Microsoft will EVER be the party responsible for solving the password problem, I don't think that a Microsoft PRODUCT that claims to have this effect will ever be sucessful. Now, could the FEDS combine this technology with the federal ID card? Probably, but--again--with a card of that high security value, it's my GUESS that there would be too much of a fear that fingers would get cut off to try to get around the system.

If there were an HSX for technological trends (well, FIRST of all, if there WERE an HSX for technological trends, I would have ALL my money tied up in chips in the brain, TRMNL style! . . . ) I would bet that IF the Federal ID/travel card is linked to a biometrics tracking system, it'll more likely be a retnal scanner--seems to me as if it's much more accurate AND almost impossible to get around (after all, gouging people's eyes out just ain't the same science that it used to be!).


is chopping off my finger to get at my ATM the same as hitting me over the head for my laptop!?!?

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