
Random Thoughts From Our Random Minds

Thursday, December 29, 2011


twodoebs' "Best Of 2011" List

By: doebtown
We made up our minds in early 2011 that it was going to be a year of video here on twodoebs. And at the tail end of the year, I think we did a pretty good job of fulfilling that self-imposed mandate. So as we tuck the year in and put 'er to bed, let's count down the best video posts of 2011:

#5. twodoebs Steelers' Montage
We actually won the game that followed this video. Notice that I'm not re-posting the video that preceded the Superbowl (how'd that game turn out again?)

#4. Our 2010 Christmas Cards
"Clark, that is the gift that keeps on giving."

#3. Christmas Playing
Here's the impressive thing about this one: it was done entirely on an iPhone--it was shot on an iPhone, edited on an iPhone, music and sound fx were added on an iPhone and it was posted to the web from an iPhone. No computer was involved in the creation of this video.

#2. Hilton Head Vacation
It's a close call for me because I'm pretty fond of this one and--personally--think it's a pretty good contender for #1. But what can I say?--I must respect the votes of our loyal twodoebs fans!

#1. DNN
The undisputed favorite.

What do you think?--did we get the list right? Leave out any of your favorites? Will we be able to keep it up with TWO kids? Have we lost our marbles? Are you even allowed to give marbles to kids anymore (they seem like they might be a choking hazard!).

For the answers to these and many more questions, keep at the top of your favorites menu in 2012 and we'll keep it coming at our usual sporadic pace!

I vote for the Xmas card review... that's my favorite!!

I think you got it right. Am nuts about the Christmas letter.



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Tuesday, December 06, 2011


DNN . . . Our 6th Annual Christmas "Letter"!

By: doebtown

Holy Shizzle... that was pretty good... AND it included the "water" footage I was worried about from your evening in AL... Great great great non-letter.

PS You obviously have too much time on your hands.


Unbelievable! You have certainly outdone yourselves!!!!

Merry Christmas to all,

Grandma Paulie


Well done! This made me laugh out loud. I especially loved the news line running across the bottom. I had to watch it again just to read all about how you built shelves. Definitely the best one yet!

Awesome!!! Yinz guys are sooo... talented!!!


I love this non-letter! What a great recap of your wonderful year. (I particularly like the variety of microphones you use. Creative touch!
I am looking forward to future installments.
Grandma Jan


This had the whole of my lab and office mate enthralled well done. Excellent!!
HAPPY CHRISTMAS. Hopefully see you guys in the New Year.


Well done news team! Looking forward to the next broadcast...HO HO HO!!!

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Best of twodoebs Christmas

By: doebtown
We are so excited for the premiere of this year's twodoebs Christmas video! Stay tuned because it'll be dropping any day now! . . .

In the meantime, we thought we'd encourage twodoebs fans to take a spin through our escapades from Christmases past. Laugh with us or laugh at us; we just want you to laugh (and we know you will!).

Going through these videos has become a cherished family Christmas tradition for us in and of itself. Give us 15 minutes and we know it'll be worth your while, you'll have a good time, and you'll be on the edge of your seat waiting for this year's video!

- Christmas 2006 (the letter that rocked the Christmas-letter world; well worth a read!)
- Christmas 2007 (kind of an off year; don't judge us based on this one)
- Our Christmas NON-Letter (2008; the video that changed the game--again!)
- Our First Christmas as Parents (2009 was the first year we spent more than 20 minutes on the project . . . an outstanding production!)
- Our FIFTH Annual Christmas "Letter" (Facebook needs to get knocked once in a while; it keeps it humble! . . . 2010 was probably our most "creative" installment!)

Fun, right? What was your favorite? What do you think we've got up our sleeve for this year?

Its too hard to pick my favorite, but the increasing wardrobe budget makes me think you'll be in black tie this year... AND, I'm thinking it will include some video of the evening in AL when you were outside with your video camera... by yourself... for an hour. Otherwise, that's weird.

Humm, "black tie"--interesting thought, T-Gog. Anybody else have any suggestions for next ye . . . I mean!--thoughts about what we might do THIS year?

Oh, and by the way, SOME of that time that I spent by myself in Alabama was taking a picture. An AWARD winning picture, I might add.

Yes... an award winning photo... Mom sent me a copy that you'll have to autograph... But, I'm slightly irritated that my cheezy grin didn't win you a prize...

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2010 Christmas Cards Redux

By: doebtown
T-gog recently posted something on that other site where people write what they're up to about how much she loves Christmas Cards. We must admit that we, too, think they're a fun tradition that keep everybody in touch, express individuality and creativity, and give us all a distraction from the monotony of every day life.

Like many of you, we're in the process of creating our Christmas Card for this year (although our always anticipated Christmas Video is already wrapped up . . . stay tuned to for the world premiere!).

To get some good inspiration, we recently went back and looked at the video we made out of last year's Christmas Cards. And it was so much fun (and so helpful!) that we thought we'd share it with all of the twodoebs fans again (hey, if the TV shows can get away with recycling the same old material over and over again at this time of year, why can't we?).

So, enjoy!:

I loved this when you did it last year, and I still love it!

I loved this when you did it last year, and I still love it!

Well, apparently I REALLY loved it.

I REALLY love Xmas cards set to music... 'tis the season!

PS I'm going to need to you scan and set all my cards to music this year... I get about 400. Will that be a problem?


Loved it as much, maybe more this year.

Grandma Pauley


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Monday, December 05, 2011


Heidi finds Libby's bath time boring

By: Doebette

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Awwwww.... so cozy. And Xmas colors too!

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