
Random Thoughts From Our Random Minds

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Ruckus Race

By: doebtown
Last weekend, Schmarbo and I ran in the Pittsburgh Ruckus Race, which is a 4 mile race. What makes this different than--say--your average 5K is that it's really more of a 4 mile obstacle course. So as you're running along, you've got to navigate things like 8 foot deep trenches that you have to climb out of and cargo nets and mud pits . . . that kind of thing (if my description's not painting a clear picture in your mind's-eye, the Post-Gazette has a pretty good slide-show of the event--neither of us are in any of the pictures, but it does a good job setting the tone of what we had to deal with).

Sweet Kati tried her best to document the event. The best 2 pictures that came out of it, though, are a simple set of before and afters!:

Based on the hair alone, it looks like you worked harder than Schmarbo... Congrats!

Yeah, Schmarbo is a specimen alright. He SAYS the Ruckus Race was tough, but something tells me it was a pretty laid back 4 miles for him. I mean, he got to the finish line way before I did, so I suppose he may have had some time to tidy himself up, but he was in the same shoulder-deep mud pools that I was . . . I really don't understand how he could have come away so unscathed.

Looks like "fun"!

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Saturday, July 16, 2011


3 Years, 3 Pictures

By: doebtown

The girls get happier as they get older... weird! Pretty soon it will start working in reverse...

How cute! And that little boy will look so handsome next to all he pretty girls next year.

Gramma Paulie


To be clear Twodoebs readers - we do NOT KNOW if this new baby is a boy or a girl . . .Paula was clearly just making a prediction.

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Monday, July 11, 2011


The Extra Point: "I'm not a Yankee fan by any stretch, but I do lik...

By: Doebette
The Extra Point: "I'm not a Yankee fan by any stretch, but I do lik...: "No no - don't be mislead by the title; I AM a Yankee Fan. That quote however, was heard this morning on the radio. I live outside the NY mar..."

The Extra Point: "I'm not a Yankee fan by any stretch, but I do lik...

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Changes coming to Twodoebs????

By: Doebette
Hi friends,

I got this article sent to me last week and at first it made me jump - 'blogger being retired!?'.

Fear not - twodoebs doesn't appear to be going anywhere! Google, the parent of, however may be seeing some changes. Obviously we don't expect anything dramatic or very soon . . .what we here at twodoebs DO hope for is some enhancements to commenting and alerts since those seem to be the two areas that twodoebs fans want to see improved!

We will of course keep you updated if anything big happens!

I await the changes...

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Thursday, July 07, 2011


CSA Week 4 & 5

By: Doebette
Sorry for falling behind on my CSA updates. . .this quick post will catch you up on then we're back on track!

Ok - for the past two weeks we've been getting
- cucumbers
- strawberries
- kholrabi
- garlic
- sugar snap peas
- zucchinis
and of course . . .


I'm beginning to think that by the end of the summer I'll be totally over salad!!
We are however loving the zucchini. Boy, it's a LOT of zucchini, but I've made zucchini bread which was super yummy.

We grilled the sugar snap peas in foil packets with a little salt and butter. It was SUPER yummy! And the surprise of the recent two weeks was the grilled radishes. We sliced them relatively thinly, added some small bits of butter, finely chopped garlic (from our fresh garlic!) and a cube of ice. Seal the foil packet and grill for about 8 minutes. It was tender and almost took on the consistency of potatoes.

We haven't used the kholrabi yet but I plan to very soon.

Just picked up the next batch today and will be much better next week, I promise!!!

My list this week said I got kholrabi too, but I'm not even sure what it looks like!?!? We got a lot of lettuce, no strawberries, but blueberries and raspberries!! Yummm!

T - I just posted an update to this post which linked kholrabi . . .that was the strange veggie we got in the CSA two weeks ago. I have seen a couple different recipes for it so I plan to try one this week - will let you know how it goes!

No tomatoes?

Reading all of your posts makes me so jealous. I've really wanted to join a CSA for a while now, but I can't find one that has late evening or weekend pick-up somewhere relatively close to me.


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CSA Week 6

By: Doebette

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

OK! We've just picked up week 7 so here's a recap of week 6.
What we got:
- red lettuce
- yellow squash
- blueberries
- tomatoes
- garlic
- cabbage

How we used it:
red lettuce - I haven't yet but I've committed to making salads for a couple functions this weekend so I'm sure I will.
yellow squash - so far I haven't yet.
blueberries - added to granola/yogurt. Oh and Libby cannot get enough blueberries, so she ate most of them
- garlic - I use garlic all the time! This is our third garlic bulb so I don't think we've used THIS particular one yet but the other ones are being pressed into service in normal cooking. Though, since we've gotten kind of backed up on garlic I may make a roasted garlic spread soon!
tomatoes - one in a salad, one as toppings for burgers
- cabbage - so far I haven't used it but I have a yummy recipe for a ground chicken in red chili with cucumber/shallot/lime dressing wrapped in cabbage leaves. I keep wanting to make it but we've been grilling so much I haven't. But now that I have the cabbage I just MIGHT!

From lsat week:
we FINALLY made the kholrabi. It kind of looks like kholrabi fries.
REVIEW: It was DELICIOUS!!! We made burgers a couple nights ago and kind of wanted fries or something for the side, but only had the kholrabi. I mean really - it's covered in cheese that gets crunchy in the hot oven so how bad can it be, right?

I also used some cucumbers in a salad, though that's not very exciting.

This week we got mostly the same stuff, but finally some FRESH JERSEY CORN!! Whooo! Also summer squash... Loving the CSA!

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Monday, July 04, 2011


The Extra Point: Final Wimbledon Thoughts . . .

By: Doebette
The Extra Point: Final Wimbledon Thoughts . . .: "Ok, I'll make this brief, because well - there's not that much more to say. The big 'hub bub' made at Wimbledon about women grunting kind of..."

The Extra Point: Final Wimbledon Thoughts . . .

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