My office had a cake competition today.
I lost. EVERY category. WAH WAH WAH.
Enjoy looking at the spoils, and feel bad for those of us who ate all this cake then tried to be productive in the face of MAJOR sugar crash!
My adorable, yes not prize winning cake.
- "Perfect" chocolate cake, pretzel walk way, Milano cookie grave stones, DD Munchkins as Pumpkins, Frosting Ghosts
Winner for best CONCEPT:
Winner for best EXECUTION: (that gross brain is jello, with evaporated milk and brown food color added to PEACH jello. BARF)
Winner for best TASTE: (she used the recipe for the Magnolia Bake Shop frosting, which, if you don't know what that is, rest assured, it's freaking AWESOME frosting, with spice cake inside. DEEEELIC!)
Grand Prize Winner (yes, her pumpkin cake was glowing inside)
Other competitors:
- the Death? of a Zombie
(brownie cake with German Chocolate icing, a "gravestone" and missing zombie with guts/aka raspberries, surrinding the grave)
- Sad Jackolantern
two bundt cakes with frosted icecream cone stem
- Bleeding black widow
Dark Chocolate cake with strawberry center, mazipan legs (ALL 8 LEGS tracy) and maripan head, with Whiskey Chocolate ganache
Yesterday, Kati and I went to Washington D.C. to cheer on Stepper-Pepper in the 33rd Anual Marine Corps Marithon. And I was SO proud to watch her run across the finish line!
I say the same thing to Schmarbo and to Scotty-B and Katie S. and everybody else that I know who's finished a marithon--that's impressive! This was the first marithon I've actually BEEN to and it was tons-o'-fun.
On a side note, the fact that somebody ran TWENTY-SIX miles in 2 hours and 22 minutes . . . frankly, it makes me want to barf.
Uncle Bob has some pretty great pictures of Stefanie, so, hopefully, he'll send 'em and I can post 'em up (I wouldn't hold me breath, though).
Great work, Stepper--I'm SO proud of you!
Paula wants to know if rocking chairs take me back to my "rock me bit" days.
They do.
Although I hear rocking chairs have come a long way since my "rock me bit" days and one would hardly recognize todays modern rocking chairs.
I LOVE artistic renderings of new projects . . . they're always so optimistic and shiny and clean (there's never a LINE at the conscession stand or vomit in your seat or anything).
So, anyway, here is a cool rendering of the new hockey arena for Pittsburgh. I'm still trying to get a good grasp on WHERE, exactly, it's being built, but this is what they're saying it's going to LOOK like:
This story hits a little too close to home for our little Mr. 'Ber (although he IS happy that his favorite football team is on the top of the NFL Power Rankings this week!).